When do you need to call in the experts?
The pool service business is an interesting phenomenon. Lots of facility owners perform their own service, while there seems to be no shortage of service companies claiming to be able to perform work at your facility. We find the best type of care for most pools is to have a well trained facility employed operator with a vested interest in having a well run swimming pool. Someone who performs day to day functions and looks for problems before they occur. Most swimming pool equipment these days is very sophisticated and requires specialized parts, training and tools to perform maintenance and/or repairs, just like today’s cars! The best advice is to have a beneficial plan and agreement with your service provider and know when you want to call them in.
Pools are a unique amenity. They are governed by public health codes and have to go through regular County inspections. Remember, people’s health and safety rely on proper pool operation; there is no room for “good enough.”
A good interactive relationship with a truly qualified service provider creates a great running pool. Start you service relationship with KSI today.